Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Shameless plugs for my home biz(s)

Before I had my two youngest children, I used to dream about what a luxury it was for a mother to quit her job and stay at home with her children. I used to think about how nice it would be to have all of that free time! I knew that when I became a full time mother, my house would be immaculately clean, I would always be perfectly groomed and I would have plenty of time to foster friendships with other stay at home moms. Obviously, i was suffering from a severe case of "the grass is always greener..."

I was in for a HUGE wake-up call!

I resigned from my teaching job when my second son, Ryan, was born. It didn't take long for me to realize that being being a full-time mom was the most difficult job I would ever have. On most days, my home looks as if a bomb has gone off , and I consider myself lucky if I have showered and changed out of my pajamas by noon. Friends? I have some...and I try to be social, but it is really hard to maintain a social life. The other moms are just as crazy busy as I am, and by the time we have fed, bathed and put our kids to bed, neither my husband nor I have any desire to go out.

Don't get me wrong. I adore my children! I feel very blessed to have them and I love being able to spend so much time with them. But....
I missed having conversations with other adults. I missed having my "own" money and I missed the feeling of accomplishment that I got from working.

The answer, for me, was to start a home business, actually two. In November, I became an ambassador with Barefoot Books. In January, I took on a second business, Stella&Dot jewelry. They are both still in their infancy, and I have yet to make a profit from them, but with time and effort, they will be successful. I absolutely love the products and I think both companies show a great deal of promise. Am I crazy? Yes!! But if nothing else, becoming a mompreneur has allowed me to focus on something besides poopy diapers and boogers :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Living with a teenager sucks!

My son is seventeen. I love him dearly, but maaaannn he really tests my patience. He got locked out of the house on Friday night because he didn't have his key (that's another story....)
So...he decided to break in through a basement window. Great.... except he went out again and left the door to the outside open. It was open all night long.
I hope he makes it to 18...

My First Post!

This is my blog....I don't know what it is about yet. In fact, I have no clue what I am doing. Stay tuned....ought to be interesting!