Sunday, March 7, 2010

My First Post!

This is my blog....I don't know what it is about yet. In fact, I have no clue what I am doing. Stay tuned....ought to be interesting!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Jennifer, I found my way here via my sister Jennifer's blog, Bread and Putter. I thought I'd check it out when I realized this is a brand new blog and that one of your posts was about living with a teenager. I'm also considering possibly maybe starting a blog and I'm the mother of a teenager (and an almost teenager) and if you are who I think you are, we graduated from the same high school! I was also curious about your heading picture, because it reminds me a lot of the place that my family and I vacation in the summer - the tide goes waaaayyyy out like that. Sorry for being so long-winded - maybe I do need a blog!
    Karen - aka "Karma" on the blogs that I comment on
